Château de Chantilly
Château de Chantilly
Château de Chantilly
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Binding embroidered with the monogram of Marie de Medici
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Binding embroidered with the monogram of Marie de Medici

  • Localisation :
  • Année de création :1629
  • Artiste :


Binding of  the work by F. Courtot entitled La Vie de sainct Denis, apostre de la France, faicte en vers françois, 1629

Original binding in silk violet, embroidered in gold

This binding featuring the monogram of Marie de Medici (1575-1642), adorned with mother-of-pearl and pale purple gros de tours ribbons trimmed with gold lace, covers an illuminated manuscript of dedication, La Vie de sainct Denis, calligraphed on vellum.

It is one of the rare embroidered bindings made in France under the reign of Louis XIII to have been preserved, and the only one featuring a natural floral decor.

It was given as a present to Marie de Medici in 1629 by Abbess A.-H. de Beauvilliers, Abbess of Montmartre, whose abbey became a major place of devotion to Saint Denis in the 17th century.